
A 1992 US financial newsletter promoting the NAFTA renegotiation towards a Mexican free market economy well illustrates the level of calculation and associated impact on ejido members in the Mezquital Valley. “Increased competitiveness of Mexican agriculture will keep pressure on U.S. firms to raise productivity or shift crops to those in which the U.S. has a comparative advantage, such as grains and livestock.  Modernization is likely to expand Mexico’s agricultural production and raise its ability to export vegetables and specialty products to the U.S.” [1] But in the Mezquital, growing vegetables is problematic in terms of waterborne disease vectors. The governmental approach to this risk has been to restrict crops throughout the irrigation districts, not allowing vegetables that come in direct contact with the soil and wastewater. Despite these regulations, the valley still produces some produce such as chiles, and many farmers grow vegetables for their own families, or to sell in Mexico City markets. [2] Gastrointestinal issues, infections, parasites, and a documented increase in helminthiasis diseases are among the health concerns around consuming vegetables grown in wastewater irrigation.


[1] “Ejido Reform and the NAFTA,” n.d., 4.

[2] Blanca E. Jiménez Cisneros, “Unplanned Reuse of Wastewater for Human Consumption: The Tula Valley, Mexico,” in Water Reuse: An International Survey of Current Practice, Issues and Needs, ed. Blanca E. Jiménez Cisneros and Takashi Asano, Scientific and Technical Report, no 20 (London, UK: IWA Pub., 2008), xvi, 628.