Fertilizer spreader   

The newly built wastewater treatment plant at Atotonilco, while reducing farmers’ exposure to untreated wastewater, would in turn expose them to manifold economic uncertainty. The current system in the Mezquital is a cash-poor one. The soil nutrients that are currently free will disappear, the clean water will be likely sold back to users at a higher rate, and farmers will consequently become further indebted to industrial agriculture corporations and banks. Literature extolling the new plant focuses on the public health benefits. Hñähñü activists and farmers living near the plant see the forced future of being priced out of their soil fertility as just another form of oppression to add to the rest. [1] Moreover, some farmers also assert that their communities don’t experience diseases or epidemics from the water, and that the widely publicized public health concerns are not for valley peasants but for people on the receiving end of the food system. [2]


[1] Jonathan Watts, “Mexico City’s water crisis – from source to sewer,” The Guardian, November 12, 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/nov/12/mexico-city-water-crisis-source-sewer.

[2] Rebecca Blackwell, “Campesinos Del Valle Del Mezquital Insisten En Usar Aguas Residuales,” The Associated Press Archive, Abril 2017.lbl http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/af9517c3e699503666b3bd7338f7b86c