Leaky Pipe
This character, the perforated or leaky pipe, represents one of the biggest problems underlying Mexico City’s water delivery system. Mexico City’s aging underground infrastructure accounts for the loss of more than a third of the water that is piped to its residents, so while there may originally be enough water to go around, the disconnect between source and delivery point has left many without a reliable water supply. The government has made strides to repair damaged pipes by 2018, but this project is undeniably a continuing effort as there is increased reliance on this vital infrastructure. According to a report from Departamento del Distrito Federal, “an average of 2,000 leaks in the distribution network are repaired each month in the Federal District and 1,800 in the State of Mexico”
https://www.latimes.com/world/mexico-americas/la-fg-mexico-water-20160331-story.htmlNational Research Council. 1995. Mexico City's Water Supply: Improving the Outlook for Sustainability. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/4937.